Monday, March 30, 2009

Playing Catch....up

Howdy family and friends! I have had two, count 'em two requests for some updates on the blog. So, I succumb to my fan base!

Today is March 30th and it has been about 3 weeks since that last entry. I now am at a 80 lb. reduction in force (translated : fat) status and continue to be nice to my scale. This is utterly amazing to me. It has not been without it's challenges, but still the same, I liken it to 3 full bags of cat litter and a small bowling ball... hmmm not to appetizing but very visual. This journey is so interesting to me. I don't quite have the body image down, but everyone at work is commenting (really) so today I felt sort of ...well... slender. I am shopping for clothes on a limited basis, I just gave away 3 large black bags of clothes to Goodwill, because I know that this too shall pass and I can't justify spending a lot of $$ on something I will shrink from. I feel good. I am able to move more freely and I even put air in the tires of my bike in anticipation of a tour down on East Cliff Drive, waves crashing, salt air and me.

David and I planted "upside down" tomato plants Saturday and today they look very ill. Dry leaves and dark stems. Boo. We planted in these contraptions we bought online... "Topsy Turvey Tomato" bags. We had other incentives for purchasing them, other than the "fad" quota. We have terrible soil, bugs and gophers who truly believe that they were here first and claim all rights to any Terra. So, why not hang the plants from the rafters and water from above? Sounded good to me. I am nervous now though as I viewed and very new plants, choked for nourishment... So we watered again tonight and hopeful we can pull this one out. Of course there is always the "money back guarantee" from OSH on any plants you buy that don't make it. Tomorrow we plant "pickle" cucumbers, at least 8 hills! The directions say that you can harvest the cukes at 4 weeks and make sweet pickles or wait until 8 weeks and make dill ones! David was amazed that they are one in the same plant! City boys... I tell ya!

Update on Mom. Once again, she defies any limits people put on her! On February 15th, she fell. Diagnosis: Terminal brain hemorrhage on right side. Call Hospice. March 30th? - She is eating regular food vs. puree and thickened liquids. Favorite is still chocolate ice cream. Up and dressed for TV time with everyone else. Who knew? The only bad thing is she is still battling an eye infection that looks and according to her, is very painful. Itchy and red eyes that at times are swollen shut. Everyday I apply cool compresses, and the doctors continue to be baffled about what it is. The eye doc says, viral conjunctivitis gave her antibiotics which gave her a rash everywhere else, ugh! First, warm compresses and now cool ones. Only one physical visit from a doctor, so who knows? She is hanging in there and that is fine with me. I am reading "The Count of Monte Cristo" to her and she seems to enjoy the story. She at one time was a "reader" for Books for the Blind. She recorded several math books and a few English grammar ones. She started out as a "proof reader" in that she followed the reader as they were recording and if they made a mistake, she was to alert the technician, who would stop and start over again. These books have to be exact so there is no room for making it up on the spur... no spontaneity. She really wanted to be the main "reader", and when she finally made it, was so proud. She did have a wonderful speaking voice.

Well, I did finally get my date for departure from work. October 1. This may change as the projects are fulfilled and cleaned up. What is next? Don't know. My inclination is to run out and grab anything, but I was talking with a former HR boss and she really encouraged me to go back to school and pursue a RN license. I don't know. I just don't do school very well and memorization is a real stumbling block for me.. all that anatomy, biology, chemistry... this old gray matter has absorbed a lot, don't know if there is room for anything as complicated as that. We will see, but meantime, I am plugging away and trusting the Lord. Not a bad plan.

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