Thursday, February 5, 2009

Carlos 1996-2008

I am still reeling from the events of yesterday. Two days ago, Carlos, our most beautiful snow-shoe-Manx was complaining of not being able to use the cat box. We have been down this road before as seasoned cat owners and knew that we would be visiting the vet first thing in the morning. He was more uncomfortable than other incidents, and crying very loudly. I kept on trying to reassure him that we would take care of him and wanting to give him some cat-aspirin or something.... Wednesday, David took him at 7 a.m. (bless the vet) to the office whereas they announced that he was in need of surgery and had a blockage. Cost= $900.00. Reaction=oh no. After some deliberation, we decided that our budget and sensibilities were are risk too, and the final decision was to put Carlos to sleep.
I am sad, he was my warrior/survivor/companion for 12 years. I am mad that I was not prepared to be a good steward for his care.
Carlos was so wonderful in a lot of ways. He took on the role of "alarm clock" when I started working in San Jose and needed to get up at 4 a.m. His range of meows was matched by no other cat I know. His "Get up and feed me and oh yes, you can take a shower and get ready for work too, but first things first..... FEED ME!" was both appreciated (I never over slept) and despised (hence the water bottle sprayer on the night stand). He scoulded. He loved and took care of the other cats, always the grandpa ~ gentle, playful and stern all at the same time.
My little shop of horrors kitty was happy in Santa Cruz. His growing up in San Jose was less than wonderful, especially after he was taken from us by who knows what kind of diabolical person and tortured, found his way away from that and came home traumatized. It took me 3 years to get him to stand still for a petting. After we moved to Santa Cruz, he let out a collective sigh and decided that he was finally safe.
I will never forget him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohhhh... I am sooo sad. I miss that Celeste turned Carlos...