Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lazy hazy days of the first day of Summer

Nat King Cole is turning in his grave right now..I decimated the title of a very cute song.
"Lazy" days because of the heat!
Last Thursday it was 101 in Santa Cruz and for all of you NOT familiar with the weather pattern in Santa Cruz, that is too hot. If I went to the beach to get cooler, I would be harpooned as a beluga whale, so I had to be satisfied for a quick run in the sprinklers! David got a kitchen towel and soaked it in cold water and "surprised" me with the relief!
This brings up the subject of where I can live out the rest of my days, summer or not. We took a trip to North Carolina in April and announced that the weather was just fine, not too hot, or too cold... but good little Goldilocks perfect. Now I am not so sure I could live a summer there. Google has a cool tool where you can show the weather in another part of the country and keep a chart of your local weather right below.. compare and cheer, or groan depending on the forecast. Well, last week, Charlotte North Carolina was peaking at 99 degrees and 85 degrees humidity...hmm sticking to the furniture are you??? I lived those summers in Rhode Island with NO air conditioning in the home and it was not pretty. But everything we have looked at in real estate boldly claims to have air conditioning ~ should send a clue that if EVERY home has it, why?? Yep, hot summers.
Just yesterday, I looked at a home online which had an above ground pool. Does that mean the ground is too hot to dig for an in ground pool? House hunting online is - out, no gas to travel in the quest. Quick judgement if you could live there or not. Square footage, size of lot and location are all part of the equation... but again, every home advertised says, "smoke alarm". Why? I don't know, but it seems logical that you wouldn't have to mention that as a selling feature unless homes in North Carolina are known for spontaneously bursting into flames, go figure!
Oh yes, and "hazy" because of all the fires going on around us. It started with the Mount Madonna fire( many acres) ; then the Bonny Doon fire (800 acres); and on Friday, the Trabing fire (named after the street it started on - and about 600 acres) which endangered many horses, cattle and wild life. The ash from Bonny Doon covered our cars in a sticky, ugly mess. Ted Bear used to say, "Hey don't worry about nuclear blasts, we still can't control fire!". How true. Some were set delibertly and some by nature's way. In fact, on my way home 10 days ago, there was a fire started on the side of the road near a county park. That was scary.

We are back to lazy today (Sunday) as the weather has given us a break and shows all the world why God prefers Santa Cruz to most anywhere else. He even tolerates the surfers, Boardwalk arcades and traffic X(times) eternity. All this to capture a lung full of slightly marine layer air, mixed with breezes on the 8 mile speed limit, crossed with just enough heat to knock all will to work out of you. Serene? you bet. I will miss this place...and I haven't even left yet!


Unknown said...

I miss the Santa Cruz Summers! I was so spoiled living there! I still remember seeing ice on the ground for the first time- it was enthralling.

Rella said...

Care'n, why on earth are you looking at homes in that awful muggy state? What on earth is wrong with Utah! It was 94 out yesterday and the humidity was - are you ready? - 10. I am enjoying it here. Groceries and the general cost of living is cheaper than California. Okay, the power for our 4,000 sq ft abode is high, but if I were in California it would be costing me over $500/month. So it's better! Why don't you take a look at some of the real estate here instead! Let's have a party!