Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Second day at the races

Well, here I am on the second day blog. Something tells me this might be easier if I wasn't questioning the "ego" of this activity. But knowing this can also be interpeted as journaling, I will forge forward and add some insight into "Life in Santa Cruz".

Today was another hot one... with it hitting 85 degrees here. Fortunately we have the marine layer come in at about 7 p.m. and all is well.

I had an interesting day at work, it seems with the close down of the company looming over our heads, there are more execs "arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" than not. Funny, the company is going away completely, and they are concerned with the pecking order. I left early and went to a doctor appointment. While I was there, I told the doc that my last couple of months are not going as planned. Starting on April 30th, with a phone call at 5 a.m. from the ER doctor telling me that my mom "was on the knife's edge, I don't know if I can save her!" ... so rushing to Dominican I see her in congestive heart failure, pneumonia and barely breathing. We got thru that one and her 6 day stay in the hospital. She goes back to her home, only to fall 4 days later, get re-hospitalized for 4 days then on to a rehab center for 2 weeks. Oh, also on March 27th, I was rear ended on Highway 17 on my way home from work... March 30th, yep~ hit again coming home from the pharmacy with a drug that I was supposed to be using to elevate my 'good' cholestral (which didn't work, just made me flush bright red). So, two accidents within 4 days. Yeah, things were not going to good and I shared that with the doctor today. He didn't have much to say, except. " Sounds like you have had a hard time of it". Ya think? But I also had a chance to share with him my basic philosophy is that my mother continues to teach me even at 87 years old. Things that are not tangible... like patience, compassion and unconditional love. She gives me plenty of opportunity to grow and learn. I love it!
I should interject that April was not a complete bust... David and I went to North Carolina on a 'fact finding' trip and had a wonderful time. We learned about the area and found out where we DON'T want to live. Scott (son#2) has a beautiful home and seems happy with his choice. There are plenty of houses for sale and it will be hard to choose, but we will have a good time trying.
My birthday in early May was fun!
So here we are in the middle of June, and life in Santa Cruz is good. And I am signing off for the time being....

Blog on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Mama! Where's the next day at the races? Once your horse is watered, hop back on and tell me about it:) I <3 U !!!